Sunday, 20 January 2013

White corset card

This one was for my mums birthday. She loves dancing and I thought the "skirt" looked very dancy! The body is cut from a template (you can find it on my template page) and was embossed with a sizzix folder (flowers). The fringe and ribbon are from my stash which I normally get in Birmingham rag market. The only thing with this particular card is that you have to enclose a separate little note that you slip in from the top so you don't have to open the ribbon at the front. You could however modify the template and make the card open at the side instead. Up to you folks!


  1. so lovely!bye from France

    1. Merci d'Angleterre... lol! A bientot sur le forum (si j'arrive a y entrer!!)

  2. superbe, très sexy ! mais vu le temps qu'il fait mieux vaut rajouter une petite laine ;)

    1. Bonne idee pour la prochaine fois je lui fait son manteau pour sortir!


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