Friday, 10 February 2012

Un anniversaire... encore un!

Hello, I am nearly ready for the take off to Paris - I am visiting my sister for a week - yeepee!  No children or men allowed for a full week  - just crafting, craft shopping and a bit more crafting!! BLISS!! Anyway before I run off and abandon you all for a week I thought  I'd show you this one. It was for a special friend of mine and I wasn't so sure that I'd picked the right colours but still here it is. The birds are Marianne Creatables, the heart a free paper and the star circle is the sizzix bigz scallopped circle. The doily underneath was just a cheap food doily and the lttle bow came from a stall on Birmingham Rag market.  What do you think?


  1. je dirais youpi quand tu seras là , vu les péripéties . moi j'aime bien les couleurs, en plus je suis une fan des papiers à pois, alors j'aime bien cette carte, à demain....bisous

  2. Wow what a delightful card!!!! You did a real good job on this!!!!! Way to go!!!!

  3. I love it! Love the great colours and the embellishments.
    Hugs xx


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