Saturday 12 November 2011

Molly's birthday

It's my little girl's birthday tomorrow and I just had to create a lovely card to mark the event. She loves the gorjuss range and actually since she has long hair herself this little doll reminds me a bit of her. The background stamp is by Kaban (one of my hobbycraft show acquisitions... amongst many others... ouch my flexible friend is going to cry again...!). The border is Marianne Creatables and the frame stamp is from Papermania. The gorjuss image itself is not a stamp but a "tube" downloaded from here. Basically it's the same as a digistamp as it is produce as a png file which means the background is transparent. If you're a Gorjuss fan it's worth the visit.

This one is for my niece as when I was in the mood I had to carry on...


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